Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today I have finally done some thing I had been wanting to do in a long time.

There is this one special song "Poo mugam sivakka" from the movie "Amma".

Its a tamil song for those who may wonder what language it is.

And the song is a lullaby. The whole song has very sorrowful meaning and yet is a soothing lullaby.

I have my own history behind this song, but that is not necessary is it? So not wasting any more words bragging about it.

Wondering what on earth am I trying to say...

Well its just that I had a tough time searching for this song as the cassette copy of this song wore out over a span of 27 years. It was not available in any of the stores in my town and then I tried finding it online and finally succeeded in my attempt with the help of some friends. Though I got 5 copies of that song now, I felt it would be safer to have it available online any time I may want it. And my choice was Youtube. With the help of Windows movie maker,the audio of the song, a few lovely clips and the lyrics I made the Youtube video in a span of few minutes.

Below are download links of the audio,lyrics and the video I uploaded in Youtube:

Audio Download

Video Download

Lyric Download